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Prepare Your Car For Summer

car_summer_ready_2Summer is about to arrive. Before you go out and enjoy the sun, make sure you have your car checked for this coming season. Regardless of the activities you have planned, summer almost always entails going on a road trip. Consider these car preparation tips from Miracle Body and Paint in San Antonio Texas so you can enjoy a fun and safe summer with family or friends.

Check fluids

Having your car’s fluids check is always the first step when it comes to getting it ready for your summer festivities. Make sure to check the transmission fluid, brake fluid, radiator fluid, power steering fluid and windshield washer fluid. It is also a good idea to change oil. Clean oil with a new oil filter makes everything lubricated so the car can run more efficiently.

car_summer_ready_3Check the air conditioning

A service for the air conditioning system right before summer hits can save anyone from AC breakdown when you needed it the most. It’s better if you can have a professional check your system thoroughly, but there are simple DIY inspection you can do such as replacing damaged AC belts and cleaning the fins of the condenser to make sure they are clean and free of debris.

Check your tires

Tires tend to get very hot from driving on roadways in high temperatures. They may expand and eventually blowout. High –tread tires are still susceptible. Minimize the chances by checking the pressure and tread of all four tires. Check your automotive owner’s manual to achieve optimum tire pressure or better yet, have a professional check your set of wheels.

car_summer_ready_4Check your brakes

It’s not unusual for summer to have the occasional rain and thunderstorms. Moisture can make your brakes less responsive. If you notice squealing or less responsive brakes, they could be a sign that there is trouble. It’s wiser to go to a professional mechanic to have your breaks checked since its more labor intensive and a bit more complicated. If you prefer doing it on your own, always make sure to follow your automotive owner’s manual for the correct specifications.

Be Prepared After An Auto Collision (PART 2)
Importance of Maintaining Your Tires