We do much more then just auto accidents and collision repair here at Miracle Body and Paint in San Antonio Texas. Much of the work we do also comes from mother nature’s havoc. What you many not know is that many seemingly small incidents can result in major repairs if neglected. Miracle Body and Paint have put together a list of the most common ways mother nature can damage cars . We will also explain why having the damage repaired early can save you thousands of dollars in the long run:
Hail Damage – In San Antonio, we all know that we get hail at least once a year. It is not uncommon for vehicles to sustain more damage than the actual worth of the car. If your vehicle gets damaged by hail, inform your insurance and get an estimate as soon as you possible. Damage from hail can greatly depreciate your car’s value and may even push you to get a replacement if left untreated.
Bird Droppings – You may not know this, but birds actually do more damage to vehicles then any other animal – even more than deer! Bird dropping acids can eat away your paint as early as 3 days. Make sure to always wash your car as soon as you notice these droppings since it will expose your paint. Any exposed area can make your car more vulnerable- which will lead to patches of discolored paint. If you continue to neglect it, you may have to spend more money on paint repair in just a few short months.
Harsh Wind – Aside from the large objects like falling trees and branches, the dirt and sand brought by the wind can also cause damage to your car. These micro sized objects can cause minor breaks and pits in your cars clear coat. this will expose small areas of your paint that if left undamaged can become a bigger problem.
Just by being pro-active, you can save thousands of dollars in the end. Miracle Body and Paint in San Antonio Texas suggests you to attend to those little things before they go out of control. For any auto repair needs, don’t hesitate to contact us.