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Caring for Your Car’s Paint Job

A car’s paint job is considered one of the most noticeable features  that other people use to judge you on how well you take care of your car. If your paint job is already dull or stained, this will definitely make your car look very old and dilapidated. We Texans know that maintaining a car’s paint job looking shiny and new is hard especially with our harsh sun. Miracle Body and Paint in San Antonio Texas will be listing several things to help you with this task. So always check back in Miracle Body and Paint to know more on how to get the most life out of your paint.

Always make it a point to wash your car regularly. Washing your vehicle is an important step in keeping your paint job looking great and should be done as often as possible. The truth is, not many people know that just by properly washing their vehicle, they can already avoid damaging their car’s paint job. Leaving debris and other dirt can create rust and hasten corrosion. Bird droppings and pollen should be removed immediately because they can cause irreversible damage in as little as 3 days.

Don’t leave your car under the the direct sun light since the sun’s harmful rays can fade a car’s paint job faster.

Be sure to wet your car with plain water thoroughly before washing. You need to do this pre-rinse so that you get any loose dust and dirt off your car before you proceed to brushing. Brushing while there’s still dust and dirt can lead to unwanted micro scratches in your paint.

Make sure you use only  a sponge or soft brush when brushing to avoid scratching your vehicle.

To avoid creating a dull film on your car, wash and rinse your vehicle in sections so that you avoid having soap dry on your vehicle before you rinse.

Use a soft cloth to dry your car. Also, make sure you dry your car properly. Not doing so will allow water spots to form on your paint which could leave minerals in the water on your paint, which can lead to paint corrosion over time.