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Behind the Scenes: Our Expert Technicians and Their Craft

Expert Technicians

We are proud to introduce you to the remarkable team of expert technicians who bring our productions to life. Their craftsmanship and dedication are at the heart of everything we do. From the visionary artists to the skilled craftsmen, each member of our team plays an instrumental role in creating a truly unforgettable experience.

Leading the way is our Technical Director, Richard “Butch” Hill, and production foreman, David Talbot. Together, they oversee the execution of our productions, ensuring that every detail is executed with precision and excellence.

Collaboration and coordination are key in our production process. Different departments work seamlessly together to create smooth transitions between cast members and sets. Our pageant scenic artist, W. Brad Elsberry, meticulously hand-paints the masterpieces, bringing them to life on a grand scale.

Michelle Pohl, our Makeup Director, puts her artistic flair to work, creating unique designs for each of our volunteer cast members. The costume department, under the leadership of Reagan Foy, ensures that our costumes are not only beautifully designed but also tailored to perfection. Kim Knowlton adds the finishing touch with her intricate painting skills, bringing the costumes to life.

Our dedicated team embodies the spirit of an art colony, working together to create a true work of art. Their expertise and commitment shine through in every production, captivating our audiences year after year.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our expert technicians play a vital role in bringing our productions to life.
  • Craftsmanship and attention to detail are at the heart of their work.
  • Collaboration and coordination are essential for seamless transitions between cast members and sets.
  • Makeup, costumes, and scenic painting contribute to the overall artistic brilliance of our productions.
  • The dedication and expertise of our technicians create a true work of art.

The Importance of Expert Technicians in Scientific Research

When it comes to scientific research, the role of expert technicians cannot be underestimated. These skilled professionals play a vital part in ensuring the integrity of experiments and maintaining the necessary infrastructure for scientific discovery. The craftsmanship and expertise of technicians are showcased in the Craft and Graft exhibition at the renowned Crick Institute, where their contributions to various fields of research are celebrated.

Technicians are responsible for the care and maintenance of materials, equipment, and living organisms used in scientific experiments. From cell services to engineering, fly facilities to glass washing, and microscopy to DNA manipulation, technicians handle a wide range of critical tasks with precision and skill. The Craft and Graft exhibition highlights the intricate work involved in tasks such as inserting DNA into fruit flies and preparing fly embryos, emphasizing the importance of their expertise.

Expert technicians acquire their skills through hands-on practice and experience, allowing them to excel in their specialized roles. Their dedication and attention to detail are crucial in maintaining the scientific supply chain and ensuring the quality of research. The Craft and Graft exhibition sheds light on the often overlooked but essential work of technicians in scientific research, inspiring a deeper appreciation for their craftsmanship and the critical role they play in advancing scientific knowledge.

The Importance of Expert Technicians in Scientific Research

Craftsmanship in Scientific Research

When it comes to scientific research, the role of expert technicians cannot be underestimated. These skilled professionals play a vital part in ensuring the integrity of experiments and maintaining the necessary infrastructure for scientific discovery. The craftsmanship and expertise of technicians are showcased in the Craft and Graft exhibition at the renowned Crick Institute, where their contributions to various fields of research are celebrated.

Technicians are responsible for the care and maintenance of materials, equipment, and living organisms used in scientific experiments. From cell services to engineering, fly facilities to glass washing, and microscopy to DNA manipulation, technicians handle a wide range of critical tasks with precision and skill. The Craft and Graft exhibition highlights the intricate work involved in tasks such as inserting DNA into fruit flies and preparing fly embryos, emphasizing the importance of their expertise.

Expert technicians acquire their skills through hands-on practice and experience, allowing them to excel in their specialized roles. Their dedication and attention to detail are crucial in maintaining the scientific supply chain and ensuring the quality of research. The Craft and Graft exhibition sheds light on the often overlooked but essential work of technicians in scientific research, inspiring a deeper appreciation for their craftsmanship and the critical role they play in advancing scientific knowledge.

Celebrating the Contribution of Expert Technicians

At the Festival of Arts, we are thrilled to honor and celebrate the invaluable contributions of expert technicians in the upcoming production of “Art Colony: In the Company of Artists” for the Pageant of the Masters’ 90th anniversary. Their craftsmanship, collaborative spirit, and artistic brilliance are the heartbeat of this spectacular event, captivating audiences every summer.

Under the visionary direction of pageant director Diane Challis Davy, our technicians work tirelessly behind the scenes, bringing magic to life. Their dedication, skill, and craftsmanship are showcased in this exhibition, highlighting the integral role they play in creating a seamless and awe-inspiring production.

From carpentry and scenic painting to makeup and costume design, our technicians showcase their expertise and passion for their craft. Their meticulous attention to detail ensures that every set piece, every brushstroke, and every costume is a true work of art. It is through their collective efforts that the pageant’s captivating vision becomes a reality.

We recognize the often-overlooked work of our expert technicians and the impact they have on the art world. Their collaborative spirit and unwavering commitment bring the art colony to life, providing a platform for artistic brilliance to shine. The Festival of Arts proudly celebrates their unique form of craft and acknowledges the profound influence they have on the success of the pageant.


What roles do the technicians play in the Pageant of the Masters?

The technicians play instrumental roles in overseeing the execution of the Pageant of the Masters, ensuring seamless transitions between cast members and set.

Who is responsible for hand-painting the masterpieces in the Pageant of the Masters?

Pageant scenic artist W. Brad Elsberry is responsible for hand-painting the masterpieces, bringing them to life on a grand scale.

Who creates unique makeup designs for the volunteer cast members in the Pageant of the Masters?

Michelle Pohl serves as the Pageant’s makeup director, creating unique designs for each volunteer cast member.

Who oversees the design and tailoring of the costumes in the Pageant of the Masters?

The costume department, led by Reagan Foy, oversees the design and tailoring of the pageant’s costumes, with Kim Knowlton responsible for painting the intricate details.

How do technicians contribute to scientific research?

Technicians play a vital and skilled role in scientific research, ensuring the integrity of experiments and maintaining the necessary infrastructure.

What fields do technicians work in at the Crick Institute?

Technicians work in various fields at the Crick Institute, including cell services, engineering, fly facilities, glass washing, and microscopy.

What tasks do technicians perform in scientific research?

Technicians are responsible for the care and maintenance of materials, equipment, and living organisms used in scientific research. They perform tasks such as inserting DNA into fruit flies or preparing fly embryos.

How do technicians develop their expertise?

Technicians’ expertise is built through experience and hands-on practice, allowing them to excel in their specialized roles.

What is the role of expert technicians in the Pageant of the Masters’ 90th anniversary production?

The Festival of Arts is celebrating the contributions of expert technicians in the upcoming production of Art Colony: In the Company of Artists for the Pageant of the Masters’ 90th anniversary. Their collaborative efforts, along with the vision of pageant director Diane Challis Davy, create the magic that captivates audiences every summer.

How do technicians contribute to the success of the pageant?

Technicians in various roles, including carpentry, scenic painting, makeup, and costume design, demonstrate their expertise and passion for their craft, playing an essential role in creating a seamless production and ensuring the success of the pageant.

Why is it important to celebrate expert technicians?

The celebration of expert technicians as a unique form of craft highlights their impact and recognizes their contributions to the art world.