Useful Tips When Dealing With An Auto Accident (Part 2) – San Antonio | Auto Body and Paint | Collision Repair | Auto Body Repair | Auto Body Shop
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Useful Tips When Dealing With An Auto Accident (Part 2)

Auto Accident_1It can be quite difficult to keep your head when you get involved in an auto accident. There are just too many things to worry about, but just getting the right information and being prepared for such cases can help you tremendously when dealing with this kind of situation. Here are another set of tips worth remembering:

  1. No insurance company can dictate or require you any auto collision repair shop for your vehicle, always remember that you reserve the right to choose. Therefore it is important to choose a center which will give an honest estimate of the paint and body repair. Miracle Body and Paint has been delivering only the best independent service for 26 years as we strive to serve our clients, not the insurance company. We pass the discount to you through our hourly rates and the cost of parts, greatly reducing the amount you will pay for your collision deductible.Auto Accident 2
  2. There will always be discrepancies when it comes to doing estimates, so always make sure to get a complete repair estimate which is detailed by item from your preferred shop. Do not be fooled by a low estimate from inferior auto repair shops, as they may have neglected some necessary work. With our A+ rating with BBB, you can rest assure that we only do the best when it comes to the industry standards.
  3. It is best to choose an auto collision center which can help you accomplish your claim with your insurance company. This could help you tremendously in getting a better repair value for your vehicle. We have helped a long list of clients who were involved in various auto accidents. We value our client’s feedbacks and testimonials rather than mere advertisements.

Auto Accident 4For the best autobody repair service, trust Miracle Body and Paint. We have the best technicians in the San Antonio area that can provide you with a professional and outstanding service above other auto collision repair shops. If you want your car to get up and running again in no time like nothing happened, just give us a call!


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