If this is your first time getting involved in an auto accident, you may be at lost on what you need to do when it comes to vehicle repair. Many uninformed people tend to fall into their insurance company’s trap and go to the preferred shop their insurance recommends. What they don’t know is that these shops are giving discounts to that insurance company in exchange for referrals. They also have to follow that insurance company’s timeline in order to save on the cost for the repair, which often leads to cutting corners on repairs. Miracle Body and Paint in San Antonio does things differently. We don’t make deals with any insurance companies and that enables us to give discounts directly to our clients. We even offer deductible refunds if the savings are larger than their deductible.
If you have never dealt with an auto repair and body shop before, Miracle Body and Paint has listed three things you should expect:
- You will get a repair estimate – Upon arrival, we will quickly give you an estimate of what it will cost to repair your vehicle. You may have an estimate provided by your insurance company. If our cost does not match that, your insurance company will send an adjuster to our location to verify the differences. We will use this estimate to determine how much you we can save you on your deductible, or how big of a refund we will give you if you don’t happen to have a deductible.
You’ll need to drop off your car – When you choose Miracle Body and Paint to repair your vehicle, we will schedule a drop off date with you if your car is drivable. Many insurance companies will request a date to minimize the amount of days you will need to be in a rental car. You will be assigned one of our team members to serve as your point of contact to answer any questions you have during the repair process. If you do need a rental car, we will arrange for Enterprise to pick you up from our location. We will provide you snacks and drinks while you wait.
- Vehicle pickup – We have several quality control inspection points in place to make sure that your vehicle is repaired correctly and that we catch any faults before the car is moved to the next stage. Once the repairs are complete, the vehicle is inspected one more time by one of our two shop managers and/or our owner Manuel Rubio. Your service representative will accompany you on a walk around of your vehicle when you pick it up. You can inspect the vehicle yourself and we will fix any concerns that you have immediately. Then you can make your payment or receive your refund check and be on your way.