How to Obtain a Copy of an Auto Accident Report – San Antonio | Auto Body and Paint | Collision Repair | Auto Body Repair | Auto Body Shop
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How to Obtain a Copy of an Auto Accident Report

Getting in a car accident presents many problems. One of them is getting an insurance claim, which can be difficult. But, a car crash report can prove to be a vital piece of evidence in processing an insurance claim. The guide offers a convenient way to getting a copy of the car crash report, as discussed in an article on

Filing a Report

In Texas, there are circumstances when a car crash report is no longer needed. Police officers may not even investigate a car crash at all in some jurisdictions. 

The Texas Transportation Code Β§550.062 states that a car crash report is only created and documented when a car accident results in injury, mortality or more than $1,000 property in damage. For such cases, a form that is called “Texas Peace Officer’s Crash Report” or “CR-3.” Cases that do not fall under the mentioned circumstances require filling out of blue form called “CR-2.” Let Miracle Body and Paint, a trusted (auto collision center) in San Antonio help all throughout the insurance claims process.

When Will a Car Crash Report Be Available

Getting a copy of a car crash report can take three days to three weeks from the date of the incident. So, it is advisable to get a copy immediately. A car crash that results in loss of life will have an investigation that can take more than one month to complete. The entire investigation process has to include toxicology, criminal investigation and accident reconstruction to be complete.

For following up on a preliminary accident report, it is advisable to check the status of the request for a report daily  after a week has already  passed. If the report is still unobtainable after some time, it is a good idea to contact the insurance company or attorney for advice.

Things to Remember When Getting a Report

When a car accident prompts an investigation, a responding officer is sent to the scene to investigate and interview people and witnesses. The officer should provide the accident or incident report number that will be used in obtaining a copy of the car crash report.  In case there is no report number, the following information can be used to obtain the copy of a report:

  • What date and time the accident happened
  • What city and state and exact location the accident happened
  • Name of driver or drivers that were in the accident
  • The police department that holds the investigation

Car accidents that occurred in 2018 and later date are more likely to have a car crash report on The link allows for requesting a copy of a car crash report. Some municipalities in Texas, however, requires a personal visit to the police department or a request by mail to get a copy of a car crash report. Also, the Texas Transportation Code Β§550.065 (c)(4) provides a limitation to obtaining a copy of a crash report. It states that the law limits it to β€œany person directly concerned in the accident or having a proper interest therein” to include attorneys and insurance companies. For repairs and insurance claims, call Miracle Body and Paint (auto body repair) shop now!