Important Items To Keep In Your Car – San Antonio | Auto Body and Paint | Collision Repair | Auto Body Repair | Auto Body Shop
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Important Items To Keep In Your Car

In case of emergencies or auto collisions,  it’s very crucial for anyone to be  prepared no matter what the situation is. Keeping a few handy things in your trunk for emergencies can help you get through any tight spots.  Miracle Body and Paint lists down some of the most important items to keep in your car at all times:

  • First Aid Kit – Be sure you have at least a basic first aid kit to stop bleeding or patch up cuts before emergency personnel arrive.
  • Jumper Cables – Always keep jumper cables in your car so you can avoid getting stranded and even help someone else in the process.
  • Duct Tape, rope or tie downs – Whether you need to hold your bumper on while you drive to our body shop, or you need to hold down something on the roof of your car, this is what you’ll be needing.
  •  Mini Tool set – Here’s another one of those items you don’t realize you need in your car until you have it in your car. Chances are, you will always be reaching for these tools.
  •  Blanket, Towel, paper towels – In case you get stranded or God-knows-what, always have something that can keep you warm.
  • Water – Opt for distilled water since it will last longer. Water is not only for drinking, it can also be used if your car suddenly overheats in the middle of nowhere.
  •  Your Insurance Info – If you drive, chances are you will be in an accident. Having your insurance papers handy at all times makes it a whole lot easier to deal with the police, have your vehicle towed and even get into a rental car. As long as you have your Insurance card with you, you’ll be much safer.

At Miracle Body & Paint we always want you to be safe. We can easily fix your car but it’s a lot harder to fix you if ever you acquire serious injuries. If you are ever in a collision, don’t hesistate to check us out in San Antonio Texas. Remember that we can save you money on your repairs by giving you a discount on your deductable.