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Paying for Car Collision Damages

Car accidents can result in body injuries and severe damages to a car. A car accident insurance policy can pay for the damages, however. In Texas, whoever is at fault in a car accident will have their insurance policy covering the damages. But, insurance claims become complicated because of problems and circumstances. An article on the website explains how the degree of fault is important in knowing whose insurance pays for the damages in a car accident.

Drivers in Texas are required to have insurance coverage with $30,000/$60,000 minimum for body injury liability. And, the coverage is $25,000 minimum for property damage. When both parties involved in a car accident are insured, the party who is at fault pays for any injury caused by the accident, as mandated by Texas laws, according to website. Filing insurance claims may prove to be difficult, but it can be filed with the help of car (collision repair) shops like Miracle Body and Paint in San Antonio, Texas.

Filing a Claim When at Fault

As mentioned, the at-fault laws of Texas grants responsibility to the insurance company of the person who is at fault when it comes to payment for body injury damages. Coverage of damages includes personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payments coverage. Insurance claims can go up to the maximum limit that has been set on the policy. The insurance for body injury liability, however, only applies to the injuries of the other party and not to those who are at fault.

Filing a Claim When the Other Party is at Fault

The insurance company of the other party makes the payment for damages when they are at fault. The party that is not at fault will then need to file a claim with the other party’s insurance company. But, what if the medical bills exceed the $30,000 limit? Or, the total amount for all the damages received by the injured party goes beyond the $60,000 limit? The injured part may have to rely on their own insurance for a fair settlement. Getting underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage, or UM coverage, protects drivers in accidents where the other party has minimum to no coverage at all, according to And, the coverage also protects people in a hit-and-run accident.

Call Miracle Body and Paint for assistance with insurance claims as a result of a car accident. The trusted (collision center) also offers discounts for car repair and parts replacement!